PLEASE, if you haven't already done so, send in the requested fee of $40 for FORM IT! You can fill out & print the Registration Form with FORM IT! and send it with your fee. If you would like a fully illustrated MacWrite¬ version of this documentation which will include screen pictures and more tips and helpful hints, include a blank disk and a stamped self-addressed envelope with your check.
It has taken me a very long time to complete FORM IT! I plan many new features for version 2.0, such as, in design mode: multiple field selections, alignment tools, more functions to use in calculated fields (IF, ELSE, etc.), setting up of selective field entry (only allow certain values or certain kinds of data to be accepted during data entry), etc, and in data entry/edit mode: help for form entry, such as a different help note for each field if the data entry person needs it (as set up in design mode), quicker screen redraws, faster data file opening and many more.
I need your help to continue my efforts with this application. Please use the registration form that comes bundled with your FORM IT! package. You can print it out easily and mail me your check while you're thinking about it.